Do you believe your thoughts create your reality?

Are you ready to own your power and create abundance?

Are you ready to experience a life of financial safety and to thrive in your prosperity?

If you answered “YES!” together, we will create your financial freedom.

Over 7 in-depth modules, we will work on releasing the past and creating a new future for you. This consistent, intense focus will create deep and powerful shifts in your life.

Your chakras hold the key to unlocking your financial freedom and wealth.

In Unlimited Wealth we will journey through the chakras to clear your blocks to prosperity.

Each chakra acts as a tuner that is able to receive frequency or electromagnetic signals that carry information. As each of our energy centers gets calibrated to a more coherent and aligned vibration as to wealth, then it will be able to create new experiences from a higher vibrational frequency of prosperity.

As we go through Unlimited Wealth, I will start each section by reviewing the chakra and how it interacts with your body and your energy system. I will present the negative beliefs and emotions we hold at each chakra.

Then, we will work on releasing your old stories of unworthiness, lack and not enoughness. As that heaviness and constriction are let go of, we will create a foundation of emotions and beliefs based on thriving, feeling safe and stable financially.

We will reprogram your energy centers to wealth. By changing and upgrading your inner emotional environment, the vibration you radiate will magnetize back to you an experience of effortless abundance.

This training cover:

7 life-changing days together to empower you and uplevel your money, freedom & abundance by clearing the energetic beliefs blocks in your chakras

EFT Tapping Sessions to expand your receiving

Running Time: over 14 hours of transformational work

 Instant Access

Lifetime Access

In the First Chakra we have the block of loyalty. 

The first chakra is about the connection with our family. We hold on to the family traditions and identity such as – “This is how my family does it. This is how it is for us. I need to be like them in order to belong.” 

The unfortunate truth is that most people will sabotage themselves to remain loyal to their family around money. And because of that they have the same money problems that their parents had growing up. 

People will subconsciously not allow themselves to have a better money story than their parents because of a fear of being disowned. 

Another block in the first chakra is the fear of not being safe and stable in the world. There not being enough.

When the energy in the Second Chakra is out of balance, people are poor receives. 

They believe they need to work very hard and they are afraid to ask for what they need. 

This is where we do not even allow ourselves to admit that we even have needs and we always place everyone else ahead of us.

The negative beliefs in the Third Chakra focus on safety to be seen as me, boundaries and people pleasing. 

The vow is “to be who I am supposed to be or who I really need to be, not who I truly am. Or, I vow to be invisible. It is not safe for me to be seen. I vow to keep my true unique nature hidden.” 

With money issues, the vows relate to not charging enough, doing too much, giving away our services, feeling totally guilty when someone pays us, giving someone else the credit or never letting ourselves take the credit. 

In addition we will underplay or downplay our strengths.

The negative Fourth Chakra belief is to be perfect and to always be critical of ourselves. 

This stems from the belief that “I only deserve love, money, relationship, pleasure, for example, if I’m perfect.” 

The work here is to allow a sense of deserving and to release the judgment and perfectionism to allow us to be even more effective in how we make money.

The Fifth Chakra is about speaking our truth and it is about how we create ourselves out in the world. 

The work here is to be able to speaking our truth and to consciously create with words our money reality and to release any negative beliefs about marketing ourselves and being a money and client magnets.

When we release the negative vows at the Sixth Chakra to see limitations, we are able to connect with infinite possibility. 

The EFT tapping allow us to see the world as full of possibilities, and here I guide people to clear their beliefs about their income goal. 

This is a very powerful session.

The negative vows at the Seventh Chakra are around experiencing limitation, believing that our connection to the Divine is actually limited. 

As if we're saying, “The Divine has an infinite amount of resources, but that support is actually limited in my life personally. So I only get a small piece of those resources.” 

We will use EFT tapping to open up to expecting miracles in your finances.

It is time to create your Unlimited Wealth!

We will work on releasing your old stories of unworthiness, lack and not enoughness. As that heaviness and constriction are let go of, we will create a foundation of emotions and beliefs based on thriving, feeling safe and stable financially.

We will reprogram your subconscious to wealth. By changing and upgrading your inner emotional environment, the vibration you radiate will magnetize back to you an experience of effortless abundance.

It is time to create your unlimited wealth through the chakra system.

Mira’s gifts are truly extraordinary! She has such an innate wisdom and knew just how to approach the issues I was struggling with. She was able to guide me through these parts of myself that were not easily accessible to my conscious mind through gentle, compassionate and yet transformational sessions together. It is very deep and profound work that has changed me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. -- J.B.

I absolutely have been loving this course. I’ve probably listened to each class at least 3 times and I’m not done yet. My evidence of accomplishments of mastery is growing and growing. It’s been great!! Thank you so much for offering this course and I agree with the other students that your passion for sharing comes through so beautifully. I definitely look forward to future engagements with you! You have given me so much material to work with and I’m loving it and eating it all up!! -- L.C.

Working with Mira has been a true journey of self-discovery, both through coaching with her and my past life regression guided by her. Through our work, I released the blocks to being 100% myself and found joy in what I do. My career has exploded since. -- K.T.

Working with you has been WONDERFUL!!! It has been an absolutely uplifting, life-enriching experience on every level. I really needed that (more than I realized). You are doing such great things with your talents. God bless you!!! -- B.M.

Mira Kelley is a maverick in the consciousness field, transforming lives across the globe as an internationally renowned past life regression expert, best-selling author, and sought-after inspirational speaker.

Through her groundbreaking book Beyond Past Lives, Mira has guided countless people in unlocking their highest potential by healing the past and aligning with purpose. 

Her work has been endorsed by luminaries like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani and others.

Mira has an unparalleled ability to gently guide people into accessing their soul's wisdom, clearing emotional and physical blockages, uncovering profound insights, and creating lives they love. 

She has worked with hundreds of thousands worldwide through her books, individual sessions, retreats and workshops.

Featured in media outlets like Gaia TV, Coast to Coast AM, and Oprah Winfrey’s OWN Network, Mira shares spiritual tools that awaken empowerment, inspiration, and limitless possibility in every area of life.

Connect with Mira on your favorite social media platform under @mirakelley or email her at [email protected]

Disclaimer: The information provided in this program or any other of Mira Kelley’s programs is not offered as financial, medical or psychological advice and should not be considered financial, medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication.

Mira Kelley is not a professional financial advisor, physician, qualified health care professional and qualified mental health care professional. Always seek the advice of a professional financial planner, physician, qualified health care professional and qualified mental health care professional regarding any financial matters, and any physical, mental, or emotional conditions.

Mira Kelley does not guarantee or warrant results or increased income. You recognize and agree that Mira Kelley has made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you.

Refund Policy: Please email us at [email protected] within 24 hours of your payment for a full refund. 

No refunds will be available following the 24 hour period after your payment.