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The Money Club is a container that creates money and business growth miracles.  

A year-long experience of live and pre-recorded classes that will dramatically alter you and your ability to manifest money, grow and hold on to money, and create lasting prosperity.  

(1) the monthly abundance activation teachings class with Mira,  

(2) Q&As every month, and 

(3) the monthly prosperity activation meditations.

- A coach that links you to your soul's & divine guidance 

- Source of constant inspiration and support

- Accountability for faster spiritual growth 

- Rapid subconscious reprograming 

- Transformative money and abundance mindset shifts

You are meant to have it all. The overflowing bank account and the impact. The successful and fulfilling business. A life of freedom, joy, pleasure and energetic mastery. All led and guided by your soul. 

One year of healing your money beliefs and reprograming your subconscious. 

One year of calibrating to the most extraordinary version of yourself. 

Your life, your money and your business will be different a year from now when you join The Money Club. 


Are you exhausted from chasing unattainable standards? 

Does self-criticism plague you and drain your joy? 

Are you craving self-acceptance and inner peace?

This breakthrough program will guide you to finally release the grip of perfectionism and step into freedom and self-compassion.

Perfectionism is an inner tyrant that steals contentment, fuels anxiety and burnout, stifles creativity, and prevents taking action, and creating vulnerability and connection.

But you can break free.

In this course, you'll discover how to cultivate self-love, clear the debilitating inner voices, stop seeking validation through achievement, and embrace the beauty of your imperfectly human life.

Do you feel you're worth more than you're currently making?

Are old beliefs and generational patterns of unworthiness holding you back from the income you deserve? 

 This transformational class will help you breakthrough money blocks, reprogram your mindset, and open yourself to receiving financial abundance.

In this immersive 3-day experience, you will discover how to reprogram your mind for abundance and heal your relationship with money. 

Through interactive teaching sessions, deep subconscious programing and guided meditations, you will uncover the source of your financial blocks and rewire self-limiting beliefs holding you back from the wealthy and purposeful life you desire.  

Teachings that will expand your mind.

Experience that will change your life.

Mira, just had to share: I can’t believe this but I had thought that I couldn’t create the whole $100K in Oct but the next day Nov 1st, I sold another $30k so this brings the Oct (if I count it that way lol) to $107K I am in disbelief shock, relief and elation. We did it! Thank you coach! - CD

We started working on money, using tapping, identifying underlying beliefs and defining new ones, self hypnosis and daily work. It’s a fascinating, revealing and quite emotional process. My relationship with money has changed, and I’m now working on the manifestation process. Closely linked to this, was finding my way into my own business. I was really confused and frustrated because I didn’t really know what I was “supposed” to do. I felt that I had some talents here and there, but nothing really stood out.

That was until Mira gave me a brilliant idea based on things I had told her, and her own amazing insight process. It all made sense, and brought all my own ideas and strengths together into a business idea that will both help people and generate money – while I get to use all my experience and personal qualities. - EB

Thank you, Mira, for your powerful EFT transmission today. Truth telling! Personal. Thank you for your bravery. - LD

I find your teachings very wise, creative  and exceptional. You show insight than most other teachers don't  have and penetrate into human nature powerfy. I can testify to the above from some of the classes I have attended but also from a personal 1:1 coaching I had with you a few months ago.  - CT

I can’t thank you enough for sharing your pearls of enlightenment and your rich insights. THANK YOU, dear friend. - PB

I am forever grateful for all of your guidance. My life will never be the same! - CP


Mira Kelley is a consciousness architect, international speaker, best-selling author and a past life regressionist.


She is the author of the 18 languages international best-selling and best-loved book Beyond Past Lives.


She has worked with hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world, individually and through her many programs, products and workshops, to help them clear their emotional and physical problems, to let go of the past and to create their best lives now.


She has been featured on OWN, OWN.com, Coast to Coast, Gaia TV and many other great national and international TV and radio shows.


Her work has been prominently featured in the New York Times best-selling books of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani and Cathy Byrd.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this program or any other of Mira Kelley’s programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician, qualified health care professional and qualified mental health care professional regarding any physical, mental, or emotional conditions. You recognize and agree that Mira Kelley has made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you.