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Losing connection to your spiritual practice

Losing connection to your spiritual practice

Craving soul connection and expansion

Experiencing blocks and resistance when manifesting your dream life

Wanting to improve all areas of your life - love, relationships, health, and prosperity

Wanting a coach to help you stay on the path

A coach that links you to your Soul & Divine guidance

Source of constant inspiration and support

Accountability for faster spiritual growth

A community that speaks your soul languages and makes you feel at home

Abundance of live events on different topics all for a small monthly price


Join Mira each month for all her live online events, group coaching, transformative processes and Q&A.

As a member you have access to the full library of content from the previous month.

The live sessions will be recorded and posted to the membership portal for you to access at any time.

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SoulLink is a month-to-month commitment and you can cancel at any time. 

Your membership will renew each month.

You can decide to cancel at any time.


Mira Kelley

Mira Kelley is a consciousness architect, international speaker, best-selling author and a past life regressionist.

 ​ She is the author of the 18 languages international best-selling and best-loved book Beyond Past Lives.

 ​ She has worked with hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world, individually and through her many programs, products and workshops, to help them clear their emotional and physical problems, to let go of the past and to create their best lives now.

 ​ She has been featured on OWN, OWN.com, Coast to Coast, Gaia TV and many other great national and international TV and radio shows.

 ​ Her work has been prominently featured in the New York Times best-selling books of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani and Cathy Byrd.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this program or any other of Mira Kelley’s programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician, qualified health care professional and qualified mental health care professional regarding any physical, mental, or emotional conditions. You recognize and agree that Mira Kelley has made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you.