You will be guided through an ancient ritual with a modern twist to heal ancestral karma and, as a result, bring profound healing into your own life. 

Imagine the liberation of untangling longstanding family patterns and stepping into a life where you are not just surviving, but thriving, free from the unseen burdens carried through generations.

 Pre- Recorded Class: Dive into this experiential process (approximately 1 hour 45 minutes)

Dream Journal for Dream Incubation: Receive a specially designed journal to enhance your journey. This tool will help you record, interpret, and incubate dreams that connect you with ancestral messages and insights. (Instant Access)

Ancestral Honor Ritual: Participate in a ritual that helps you establish a sacred connection with your ancestors, setting the stage for deep healing and understanding. (Instant Access)

Meditation to Open the Space for Ancestral Communication: Begin your journey with a guided meditation that prepares your mind and spirit for profound encounters and communications with your ancestral spirits. (Instant Access)

Lifetime Access

Price Explanation: It is my desire for this class to be accessible to everyone who is interested. That is why, I offer the opportunity to donate what you are able to. If you can, please chose the sustainable contribution option to help me continue to offer these programs to everyone.

Deep Emotional and Spiritual Healing: Uncover and heal wounds that have been passed down through generations, which may be affecting your emotional and mental well-being without your conscious awareness.

Greater Self-Understanding and Empowerment: Gain insights into your family’s past, understand the origins of your own patterns, and reclaim your power to change your destiny.

Enhanced Intuition and Spiritual Connection: As you open the channels of communication with your ancestors, you'll cultivate a stronger intuition and a deeper sense of spiritual belonging.

Release of Ancestral Karma: Free yourself and future generations from the cycles of pain, trauma, or unfulfilled dreams that have echoed through your family line.

Heal Your Ancestors, Heal Yourself is an invitation to shift your life’s trajectory. By healing your ancestors, you are essentially healing the foundation upon which your life is built, allowing for a renewed existence free of past encumbrances.

This class is perfect for anyone who feels called to:

 Break free from unexplained fears, anxieties, or patterns.

 Connect more deeply with their roots and heritage.

 Contribute to the collective healing of their family and future generations.

 Explore the spiritual practice of shamanic journeying.

Taking one of Mira’s classes is like stepping into a heavenly realm. Mira’s warmth, compassion and light sense of humor engages all the participants and the next moment, you are in a deep trance whether you consciously intended it or not. Mira is an outstanding spiritual teacher who clearly has done her work and is here to share her love with the world. -- J.M.

Mira Kelley is a maverick in the consciousness field, transforming lives across the globe as an internationally renowned past life regression expert, best-selling author, and sought-after inspirational speaker.

Through her groundbreaking book Beyond Past Lives, Mira has guided countless people in unlocking their highest potential by healing the past and aligning with purpose. 

Her work has been endorsed by luminaries like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani and others.

Mira has an unparalleled ability to gently guide people into accessing their soul's wisdom, clearing emotional and physical blockages, uncovering profound insights, and creating lives they love. 

She has worked with hundreds of thousands worldwide through her books, individual sessions, retreats and workshops.

Featured in media outlets like Gaia TV, Coast to Coast AM, and Oprah Winfrey’s OWN Network, Mira shares spiritual tools that awaken empowerment, inspiration, and limitless possibility in every area of life.

Connect with Mira on your favorite social media platform under @mirakelley or email her at [email protected]

Disclaimer: The information provided in this program or any other of Mira Kelley’s programs is not offered as financial, medical or psychological advice and should not be considered financial, medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication.

Mira Kelley is not a professional financial advisor, physician, qualified health care professional and qualified mental health care professional. Always seek the advice of a professional financial planner, physician, qualified health care professional and qualified mental health care professional regarding any financial matters, and any physical, mental, or emotional conditions.

Mira Kelley does not guarantee or warrant results or increased income. You recognize and agree that Mira Kelley has made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you.

Refund Policy: Please email us at [email protected] within 24 hours of your payment for a full refund. 

No refunds will be available following the 24 hour period after your payment.