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They move on. Life changes all of us sudden. And grief sets in.
When it is a change we refused, tried to deny, tried to control and to prevent it — It feels like life is abandoning us.
The comfort is gone. The sweetness is no longer there.
How can we trust life when we reject the change? How can we heal when it feels like they have moved on and our hearts are broken?
Grief is a powerful teacher. Grief holds a tremendous potential for growth.
I invite you on a healing journey with me.
From grief ➡️ to forgiveness ➡️ to acceptance ➡️ to finding comfort and ➡️ to finally allowing ourselves to grow in compassion and trust. And to receive the love that is there to support us so that we allow joy and faith that good days are coming.
In this training you will receive:
4 trainings on moving beyond grief and allowing growth
Total running time: 1 hour 46 minutes
Lifetime access
The energetic tools we'll use are EFT Tapping and Hypnosis.
Mira Kelley
[email protected]Disclaimer: The information provided in this program or any other of Mira Kelley’s programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician, qualified health care professional and qualified mental health care professional regarding any physical, mental, or emotional conditions. You recognize and agree that Mira Kelley has made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you.